Drama in Salinka


Your Stories

The famous producer, director and funny actor Patruz Sob Aiztian died during an audition.

Last Wednesday, in the theater of Salinka took place an audition to choose the main actor as the famous play " The truth is a bait ".
The intrigue of this work by Yanns-Oudes Borius de Larminat, tells how after many years of slavery a frail queniëlen child becomes a powerful berserk warrior then rescues a princess from a snake god.

From nine hours, this Wednesday, reigned a pleasant festive atmosphere over the place of the theater, such bard repeating some texts, such acrobat exercising its suppleness, such warrior training for weapon passes. All this nice clique stirred under the friendly and amused eye of the local residents.

Mr. Sob Aiztian who arrived at ten o'clock, was applauded by the crowd that he disappears behind the doors of the theater, accompanied by Mr Lucent de la Parvourth theater director and its assistants Messrs Trémulo Longo, Ethyl Orbath, Abram and Iorg Wrongass, the famous perfect twins who often took advantage of their perfect resemblance to play rotten tricks even to their parents who saw there only the fire. As well as Miss Annabella Catzberg who had to hold the role of the princess.

Half an hour later, first artists, the beating heart, were invited to appear in front of their judges, while of new arriving always came to enlarge the hopeful crowd of the artists. One quarter of an hour later, the first auditioned went out finally, some with the smile, some looks rather grumpy. According to the crowd, auditions were going certainly to take place on two days rather than during only day foreseen at first.

It is in the afternoon that drama arrived.

Indeed, having heard a terrible roaring of fury, impressive noises from destroyed furnitures and alarming shouts of terror, appears a mountain of muscles covered with white painting, holding untidily on its shoulders Miss Annabella Catzberg, this last one wrongly frightened shouted to lose breath of it in petitions: " Oh, yes! My sublime brute tears me away from this life of ham actor's life which is mine! ", while scratching and tapping the breast of her kidnaper. Let us guarantee that for this time, it will not still be a short-lived passion. The couple disappeared quickly through the maze of streets of the district. They were not always found and authorities let understood without having to spell it out, that it will not certainly be short-term case.

Having found their spirits, some persons entered the theater, while the first patrols of militia ran up attracted by previously heared shouts.

Then an abominable spectacle was offered to their unbelieving eyes. A big number of seats were upside down, some were planted in the walls of the theater, revealing the force with which had flown seats. Moreover while by seeing legs taking out of a wall the young recruit Ellys Taffio of the militia had a blackout. On the scene, a big part of the decoration then in place was destroyed. Next to an artificial door was an upside down bucket and a puddle of white painting.

Then they discover Messrs Sob Aiztian, De la Parvourth, Longo, Orbath, and the brothers Wrongass among rubble. Mr Sob Aiztian was impaled on a seven branches candlestick. When they found him, he was still alive and he would have declared, " my biggest desire was to die in scene. Thank you to be my spectators. " After what he expired, he will have finally moved some spectators. Mr Lucent de la Parvourth the theater's director had the skull kicked down by a violent punch. Messrs Trémulo Longo and Abram Wrongass had torn away members, but they are still alive. Messrs Iorg Wrongass and Ethyl Orbath have only some slim broken bones. At least from now everybody will recognize easily the twins Wrongass, here is at least a positive point in this terrible affair.

Finally we found out in all this jumble some people, theater's employees or present artists for the audition , completely unhurt, their profound wisdom having told to them to remain hide, but nevertheless shocked.

It is due to them if we knows exactly what it is past, not that our militia had been incapable for resolving such a mystery, we know about which efficiency it is bright (cf. the affair Soui-Mon of two years ago), but at this moment although present on the scene, it was occupied with other thing (sic!). Among all the pretenders in the male role, had skipped a real queniëlen berserker which had completely the physical appearance of the hero of the play. But physical appearance is not enough on a scene still it is necessary to be good actor and to know how to embody his character. To judge it, the play and theater's crew had elaborated a scene where the character had to demonstrate its eloquence, its physics and its improvisation sense. In term of game, to enter by a booby-trapped door, to lecture the naughty boy before engaging a fictitious fight.

When the queniëlen candidate made his entrance, Mr Sob Aiztian released a peremptory "no" meaning the mediocre performance of the warrior and its immediate dismissal of the audition. Although, in fact, the inflection of this "no" modified when everybody realized the nature of " the trapped artist ", this "no" became a petition, a wish, a prayer. But the destructive fury of the queniëlen berserker would not know forgiven an act so little military, make trapped with a bucket of white painting put on the height of a door and which, of resentment and by gravity falls when the door opens. But to go to make understand that to a queniëlen... berserker in more!

Written by JAZZY, July 2001.
